Nashville has been top of my bucket list for so long, and this year I finally made it there. I travelled from the UK alone as my husband doesn't share this interest, but despite that, I never felt alone. As soon as I arrived I felt welcomed and wrapped up in the vibe of the city, and totally at home. I never wanted to leave, and I will be back.
While there I met fandom friends, both familiar and new faces, and finally had the opportunity to meet someone I've admired for many years - Rich Speight Jr. Starting with the bus tour, where we were privileged to meet his wonderful father and share in their knowledge of and love for their city, through his various events at the Supernatural convention, all the way through to the intimate but epic show at Exit/In. I was in Rich's own words, with him "every step of the way" that weekend and every bit of it was an honour and a privilege - he is so full of talent and a true gentleman, with the added bonus of sharing it all with so many new friends along the way. A truly unforgettable experience. - Kat
"Of the places I visited in Nashville, my favourite was Third Man Records, as a massive White Stripes/Jack White fan, it has been a bucket list visit for a long time. Rich actually gave me a list of very cool places to go, I didn’t get to all of them unfortunately, next time! The Exit/In show was a lot of fun and a great way to end the whole trip and being able to say that we have graced that stage like so many greats before us, is a special thing for an artist. The stand out memory that I hold onto from that night is sharing the stage with my friends in front of such a marvellous crowd, those nights stay with you." - Paul Carella

Playing a show in Nashville, my hometown, was a dream come true for me - and getting to put on that show at the Exit/In was the icing on the cake. I played that bar in two other bands in my late teens/early 20s - “The Distortion Hawgs” and “Inspector 12.” To be able to return this many years later with all the friends I’ve made on my journey through the world of “Supernatural” was exceptionally cool. It was a perfect combination of my past and my present – family members & high school friends mixed with fellow actors and loyal fans, all in a venue I had been to countless times growing up to see so many different bands. A lot of worlds collided on December 11, 2023, on Eliston Place - and it was uniquely fantastic for me (and hopefully for everyone else who was there, too). - Richard Speight, Jr.
After taking the Dick Jr/Dick Sr bus tour, I have a greater appreciation for the Speight men. Hearing Senior Speight weaving a tale proved that the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree and Rich Jr was an excellent student. The bond that these two gentlemen have was wonderful to witness.
It’s always a treat when I can see Louden Swain in a proper music venue. Usually standing up front and center, I took a step back this time to watch the show from higher ground - the stairs along the back. Definitely a different angle but still fun. Also, I could see the people jamming to the music and the guys. One of the best nights of music! But next time, I’ll be back upfront. - Vicky
"It took 4 years for Richard Speight Jr and his Volunteers to finally take the stage and when they did they blew our socks off. This picture is one of my all time favorites because that night was remarkable and I feel like this captures the way Richard commanded the room that night" - Emma

I knew Rich Speight, Jr, is always a great storyteller & he may have mentioned his love for his city to me once or twice before; but this bus tour exceeded my expectations. Watching his excitement at unexpectedly meeting the Hatch Show Print artist who designed his Dick Jr and the Volunteers’ first album cover was unforgettable.
Richard Speight, Sr is a delight. He is probably a better source of knowledge than any guidebook you could find; sharing his personal stories on local history, from the people who designed each building, to details on who lives or works there now, and always with justified pride in how the city is quickly growing. I’ll never forget the funny and touching personal stories father and son told, for the group and also for each other.
I especially loved the Speights’ emphasis on celebrating the vast numbers of musicians whose talents were nurtured in unique buildings of Music Row, getting to see the Parthenon replica in Centennial Park up close, and laughing through some hilariously editorialised critiques of some public artworks.
The Speights’ Father and Son bus tour, with stops at a few key landmarks, and for delicious local food, was perfect for me, with my somewhat limited mobility, to see so much in Nashville in just one day. - Rachel J
The Dick on Dick Bus Tour was the perfect combination of sightseeing and fun “facts” (Dick Sr. advised us to double-check a few things, afterall). We saw a great view of downtown, including the Batman building, stopped by the Parthenon in Centennial Park, and drove through Music Row, where we ogled the infamous ‘Musica’ sculpture. Their love of history and the city was apparent in our hosts, and, despite a couple of construction detours, we were kept thoroughly amused throughout the day. In fact, at one point, attendees were so engaged with a tale from Dick Jr. (and a call to Jason Manns), that we actually missed passing by Dolly Parton’s recording studio… twice! Small price to pay for great storytelling. Both Dicks proved to be expert Nashvillians and entertainers with charisma and charm beyond compare. When’s the next tour, fellas? Sign me up! And to Dick Jr: one of the many times I stuck my foot in my mouth that week was at a photo op; you asked if I enjoyed the bus tour, but I thought you asked if I got a tattoo (long story), so I answered, “No.” Hopefully, this review clears things up!
Nashville may be known for its hot chicken, but I had a craving for BBQ, and the city did not disappoint. During the Dick on Dick Bus Tour, we had lunch at Corky's Ribs & BBQ Brentwood. Corky’s wait staff were incredibly hospitable, while frequently checking on our tables, and the menu offers variety (tacos and spaghetti, what?!). The star of my two-meat plate was the pulled pork: tender and juicy, even without sauce. The brisket was just okay, however (howdy, Texan here), so Richard Speight Jr. recommended that I check out Edley’s Bar-B-Que; he even pointed it out on another stop during the tour. Fortunately, LA and I were able to grab lunch at the 12 South location on another day, and, let me tell ya, Edley’s served us the best brisket we’ve ever had the pleasure of eating. We ordered a brisket platter with delectable green beans and, at the insistence of our greeter, the daily special: a French Dip sandwich which included smoked brisket and melted swiss on a toasted Brioche bun with a side of Aujus. We decided to share both meals, so LA was concerned when they offered us only plasticware.
She rolled up her sleeves, before cutting into the sandwich, expecting a challenge, but the knife sliced straight through. We audibly gasped, gaining a chuckle from a nearby server, and knew then, that we were in for a treat! Speaking of a treat, during an impromptu stop on the bus tour, we popped into the 12 South White Bison Coffee shop, where my iced black coffee was so perfect, I had to grab another cup before leaving town. Last but not least, after an exceptional show at Exit/In, we stumbled around the corner to Michaelangelo's Pizza- Nashville Midtown. Maybe it was because we got blowouts instead of dinner before the show; maybe it was because of the booze; regardless, that was a damn fine 12 AM pepperoni pizza… 10/10, would eat it again.
As a Texan, I’m no stranger to the brand imogene + willie, a favorite of Richard Speight Jr.’s, but my first visit to a physical store was during the Dick on Dick Bus Tour. Online, I’ve bought a shirt here, a hat there, yet I always resisted the urge to purchase jeans… until Nashville, that is. Feeling the quality of the material and seeing the alterations room convinced me to at least try on a pair. The sales staff were helpful, patient, and stuck me in a pair of men’s jeans for the perfect fit (still not sure how I feel about that, but it was the right call). Alterations were made immediately (future repairs for free) and, while we waited, the sales team helped us scour the store for a perfect comfy tee. I was hesitant when I was told to not wash the jeans for 50 wears, but Jason Manns also got indigo imogene + willie jeans, so at least I won’t be the only one running around in dirty pants next year. The sales staff assured me that the fade of the wash will be worth it; TBD. It wasn’t included on the bus tour, but I visited another store shopped by one Richard Speight Jr.: H Bar C Ranchwear. If you like pearl-snap shirts, like the ones worn by Dick Jr. at the Exit/In, add this store to your list. You can count on the best in quality as well as timeless western styles. The sales staff here was exceptionally friendly, and also tried to stick mein a men's style, but I opted for a women’s shirt… It's literally called Texas. How could I resist?
Our first off-the-bus tour stop was Hatch Show Print, a perfect one-stop-shop for souvenirs and unique posters, with a history dating all the way back to 1879. Visitors can even see the printing area with vintage press machines and shelves full of countless, hand-carved blocks. Richard Speight Jr. told us that Hatch Show Print relocated to the Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum in the 90s, as their previous location’s foundation was no longer able to support the weight of the blocks! Narrowing down a purchase in the store is a challenge, with so many colorful, unique options, but I chose the Bluebird Music City Poster for one of my Nashville souvenirs. On another day, we visited the Johnny Cash Museum, which is an amalgamation of music, art, clothing, and history. The June Carter Cash funeral program and Johnny Cash poem near the exit will break your heart… Letters, guitars, albums, album covers, suits, boots, and photographs are all on display and in astonishing condition; one could easily spend over an hour viewing everything. Perhaps some of my favorite things are the multitude of preserved posters for shows and films featuring Johnny Cash, and artwork by the Man in Black himself. He wasn’t just a musician; who knew? Probably a bunch of people, but I didn’t
On our last night in Nashville, we visited the legendary Exit/In, which, since 1971, has hosted musicians like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Etta James, Willie Nelson, R.E.M. and more. We were there, of course, to see Dick Jr. and the Volunteers as well as The Station Breaks and Louden Swain. Convention experience served our guys well, as they entertained the audience between songs, and encouraged participation for a uniquely engaging and intimate performance. Each setlist was a winner, but here are my personal highlights:
● An old song (that was new for me) is The Station Breaks, ‘Stowaway’, which I find evocative of Hootie and the Blowfish or Counting Crows (love). I was both confused and delighted by the midsong bit, but their one-and-only album is now in my Spotify library.
● Louden Swain turned out for the second time in Nashville, after having already performed at the con’s Saturday Night Special. Of course they included fan faves, like ‘Amazing’, but I enjoyed their performance of ‘Crystal Ball’, a song I’d not heard before, and felt had a Gin Blossoms-like sound.
● The debut album for Dick Jr. and the Volunteers, “The Dance and How To Do It”, is number one on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped, so I was thrilled when they closed the set with one of my faves: ‘Raspberry Beret’, a joyful, bluegrass-like cover of the Prince classic. With that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the new songs from the upcoming album. I missed the names (or a certain someone forgot to say them), but I’ll do my best to guess. I particularly liked ‘The Devil Drives’ (“dirty like a priest” you say?), a southern-rock song reminiscent of Brett Detar’s ‘The Devil’s Gotta Earn’ or Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's ‘Ain't No Easy Way’ (love). Another standout was ‘I Liked You More When I Knew You Less’, a tongue-in-cheek tune along the lines of Kate Nash’s ‘Dickhead’ or Cee Lo’s ‘Fuck You’ (only make it country). The ‘Hangman’ ballad, featuring Emma Fitzpatrick, was hauntingly beautiful, and the ‘Lockdown’ song was just good fun. I was already looking forward to the new album, but now I’m anxiously anticipating it. Dick Jr. said the release should be in February, so keep an eye out for announcements in the new year! It should be a good one! Overall, the show was well worth an extra two nights in Nashville, and I’d happily see this lineup again